You can use ace cards to balance less/more powerful single-seat fighters if they have the same firepower. The system hasa been used in several tournaments in the past, especially in Italy.
For example, among A-firing planes I'd rate more or less:
4 - Nieuport 17/23
3 - Albatros D.III
2 - Pfalz D.III, Sopwith Camel, Fokker Dr.I, SPAD VII, SPAD XIII, Albatros D.Va,
Hanriot Hd.1, Sopwith Triplane, Aviatik D.I
1 - Se5a, SS D.III, SS D.IV
0 - Sopwith Snipe, Fokker D.VII
If you want each plane to be balanced, don't give aces to the most powerful plane you use and give the others as many ace levels as the difference in value.
Example: you use a Se5a and a Camel against a Dr.I and an Albatros D.III. The most powerful is the Se5a, value 1. The Camel gets 2-1= a level 1 ace , the Dr.1 2-1= a level 1 ace, the Albatros D.III 3-1 = a level 2 ace. Instead than an ace you can give the equivalent number of skills (a level 2 ace or two ace skills taken from the rulebook). You can even increase ace levels adding skills (a level 3 ace with two more skills become a level 5 ace).
Of course, since it's the difference to be important, you can also give aces to everybody saving the indicated differences: A level 2 ace to the Se5a, a level 3 to the Camel, a levcel 3 to the Dr.I and a level 4 to the Albatros D.III.
If it was a SPAD XIII and a Camel against a Dr.I and an Albatros D.III only the D.III would get a 3-2 = level 1 ace. Or one ace skill. Or everybody would get aces, but the D.III one level/skill more than any other.
If it was a SPAD XIII and a Camel against a Dr.I and an Albatros D.Va, no aces to anybody.
If you prefer to just balance teams instead than each plane, jusat add the total points and give the difference in ace levels.
Example: you use a Se5a and a Camel against two Fokker D.VII and. Allied: 1 + 2. German: 0 + 0. Give 3-0= 3 ace levels to the Allied planes distributing them as you prefer (one 3 level ace, or three level 1 aces, or one level 2 + one level 1).
If it was a SPAD XIII and a Camel against a Dr.I and an Albatros D.III, the German team would get only 3+2-2-2= 1 ace level.
If it was a SPAD XIII and a Camel against a Dr.I and an Albatros D.Va, no aces to anybody (2+2-2-2=0).
Have fun!
Libellés : cartes wings of war spéciales
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